Our Services


At Livingstone Dermatology, we understand that your skin is a reflection of your health and well-being. We are committed to the latest advancements in dermatological science, and dedicated to providing you with quality care.

Rejuvenate Your Skin with Cryotherapy

Experience the benefits of controlled cold therapy at Livingstone Dermatology.

What is Cryotherapy?

Cryotherapy is a non-invasive cosmetic procedure that involves the controlled application of extremely cold temperatures to the skin. This stimulates cellular turnover, collagen production, and promotes a host of benefits for your skin’s health and appearance.

Benefits of Cryotherapy

  • Skin Rejuvenation: Cryotherapy triggers the skin’s natural healing processes, resulting in a more youthful, refreshed complexion.
  • Reduction of Inflammation: Cold therapy helps soothe and calm irritated or inflamed skin, making it an effective treatment for various skin conditions.
  • Pore Minimization: Cryotherapy tightens the skin, reducing the appearance of enlarged pores for a smoother texture.
  • Enhanced Radiance: The invigorating effect of cryotherapy leaves your skin with a healthy, radiant glow.
  • Improved Blood Circulation: Cold therapy stimulates blood flow, promoting nutrient delivery and oxygenation to skin cells.

Customized Treatments for Your Unique Needs

At Livingstone Dermatology, we understand that each person’s skin has unique characteristics and concerns. Our experienced dermatologist will assess your individual needs to create a personalized treatment plan tailored to you.

What to Expect During Treatment

Cryotherapy is a comfortable procedure performed in a controlled clinical setting. You may experience a mild tingling or cooling sensation during the treatment. Our team will ensure your comfort and safety throughout the process.

Post-Treatment Care

Our dermatologists will provide you with detailed post-treatment instructions to ensure proper healing and optimize your results. Following these guidelines is essential for the best outcome.

Your Partner in Skin Rejuvenation

At Livingstone Dermatology, we are dedicated to helping you achieve your skincare goals. Our experienced dermatologists are committed to providing expert care and support throughout your skincare journey.

Ready to experience the revitalizing benefits of cryotherapy?

Schedule a consultation with Livingstone Dermatology today.

Rejuvenate Your Skin with Cryotherapy

Experience the benefits of controlled cold therapy at Livingstone Dermatology.

What is Cryotherapy?

Cryotherapy is a non-invasive cosmetic procedure that involves the controlled application of extremely cold temperatures to the skin. This stimulates cellular turnover, collagen production, and promotes a host of benefits for your skin’s health and appearance.

Benefits of Cryotherapy

  • Skin Rejuvenation: Cryotherapy triggers the skin’s natural healing processes, resulting in a more youthful, refreshed complexion.
  • Reduction of Inflammation: Cold therapy helps soothe and calm irritated or inflamed skin, making it an effective treatment for various skin conditions.
  • Pore Minimization: Cryotherapy tightens the skin, reducing the appearance of enlarged pores for a smoother texture.
  • Enhanced Radiance: The invigorating effect of cryotherapy leaves your skin with a healthy, radiant glow.
  • Improved Blood Circulation: Cold therapy stimulates blood flow, promoting nutrient delivery and oxygenation to skin cells.

Customized Treatments for Your Unique Needs

At Livingstone Dermatology, we understand that each person’s skin has unique characteristics and concerns. Our experienced dermatologist will assess your individual needs to create a personalized treatment plan tailored to you.

What to Expect During Treatment

Cryotherapy is a comfortable procedure performed in a controlled clinical setting. You may experience a mild tingling or cooling sensation during the treatment. Our team will ensure your comfort and safety throughout the process.

Post-Treatment Care

Our dermatologists will provide you with detailed post-treatment instructions to ensure proper healing and optimize your results. Following these guidelines is essential for the best outcome.

Your Partner in Skin Rejuvenation

At Livingstone Dermatology, we are dedicated to helping you achieve your skincare goals. Our experienced dermatologists are committed to providing expert care and support throughout your skincare journey.

Ready to experience the revitalizing benefits of cryotherapy?

Schedule a consultation with Livingstone Dermatology today.

Your Journey to Healthy Skin Starts Here

Whether you’re dealing with a specific skin concern or seeking to enhance your natural beauty, Livingstone Dermatology is here to guide you on your journey to healthy, radiant skin. 

Schedule an appointment today and experience the Livingstone standard of care in a welcoming, professional environment.